Place of honor

With a grouping of three flags

When displaying three flags together, the national flag must be placed at the center of the group. In order of precedence, the second flag is placed on the left from the viewer’s perspective, while the other is placed on the right.

The national flag of Canada is often flown with the flag of a province or territory and the flag of a city or the banner of an organization. In this type of grouping, the national flag should be placed at the center, the province’s or the territory’s on the left, and the city’s flag or the organization’s banner on the right (from the viewer’s perspective).

The place of honor depends on the number of flags displayed and the configuration chosen. When two flags (or more than three flags) are displayed, the place of honor corresponds to the far left (from the viewer’s perspective). When three flags are displayed, the place of honor is at the center.


The order of presence of the flags is as fallows:

  1. The national Flag of Canada
  2. The flag of other sovereign countries in alphabetical order
  3. The Canadian provinces’ flags (based on the time of entry into the Confederation)
  4. The Canadian territories’ flags (based on the time of entry into the Confederation)
  5. Cities and municipalities
  6. Organization banners
  7. Historical Flags

For more information